wfuzz and some bugs
Wuff is a cool brute force tool, currently I integrate python Wuff into ZAPv2 library could do a lot of amazing job.
However, Wfuzz also contains some bugs that we should avoid
- Couldn’t set Content-Type Header in Wfuzz when we post data
If use postdata to send HTTP Post, don’t change the http content-type. The origin source code in
elif name == "postdata":
if self.ContentType == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
return self.__variablesPOST.urlEncoded()
elif self.ContentType == "multipart/form-data":
return self.__variablesPOST.multipartEncoded()
return self.__uknPostData
If we change the ContentType to applicaton/json, then the post data will be corrupted to __uknPostData